Language Reference

Built-In Functions

print(arg1, arg2, ...);

Print arguments to stdout, separated by space.

load('file.js', obj);

Execute file file.js. obj paramenter is optional. obj is a global namespace object. If not specified, a current global namespace is passed to the script, which allows file.js to modify the current namespace.


Exit interpreter with the given error message

let value = JSON.parse(str);

Parse JSON string and return parsed value.

let str = JSON.stringify(value);

Get string representation of the mJS value.

let proto = {foo: 1}; let o = Object.create(proto);

Create an object with the provided prototype.

'some_string'.slice(start, end);

Return a substring between two indices. Example: ‘abcdef’.slice(1,3) === ‘bc’;


Return numeric byte value at given string index. Example: ‘abc’.at(0) === 0x61;

'abc'.indexOf(substr[, fromIndex]);

Return index of first occurence of substr within the string or -1 if not found. ‘abc’.indexOf(‘bc’) === 1;


Return 1-byte string whose ASCII code is the integer n. If n is not numeric or outside of 0-255 range, null is returned. Example: chr(0x61) === ‘a’;

let a = [1,2,3,4,5]; a.splice(start, deleteCount, ...);

Change the contents of an array by removing existing elements and/or adding new elements. Example: let a = [1,2,3,4,5]; a.splice(1, 2, 100, 101, 102); a === [1,100,101,102,4,5];

let s = mkstr(ptrVar, length);

Create a string backed by a C memory chunk. A string s starts at memory location ptrVar, and is length bytes long.

let s = mkstr(ptrVar, offset, length, copy = false);

Like mkstr(ptrVar, length), but string s starts at memory location ptrVar + offset, and the caller can specify whether the string needs to be copied to the internal mjs buffer. By default it’s not copied.


Required library: load('api_sys.js');

void * Sys.malloc(int size)

Allocate a memory region. Memory allocated this way must be explicitly released with free().

void *memory_pointer)

Free memory.

int Sys.total_ram()

Return total available RAM in bytes.

int Sys.free_ram()

Return free available RAM in bytes.

void Sys.reboot(int ms)

Reboot the system after ms milliseconds.

double Sys.uptime()

Return number of seconds since last reboot.

void Sys.usleep(int microseconds)

Sleep given number of microseconds.


Set and get values from the device’s config.

Required library: load('api_config.js');

Get a value from the device’s configuration.
path: the JSON path (using dot notation) of the setting to get.
Cfg.get('');          // returns a string
Cfg.get('accel.interval');     // returns an integer
Cfg.get('ambient.available');  // returns a boolean
Set part of the device’s configuration.
obj: the JSON object to set.
Cfg.set({input2: {digital: {alert: {enable: false}}}});


Incorrect use of the Cfg.set() function may lead to corruption of critical parameters, and result in bricking of the device. Use with caution.


General mathematical functions.

Required library: load('api_math.js');

double Math.ceil(double x)
Rounds x upward, returning the smallest integral value that is not less than x.
double Math.floor(double x)
Rounds x downward, returning the largest integral value that is not greater than x.
double Math.round(double x)
Returns the integral value that is nearest to x, with halfway cases rounded away from zero.
double Math.max(double x, double y)
Returns the larger of its arguments: either x or y. If one of the arguments is NaN, the other is returned.
double Math.min(double x, double y)
Returns the smaller of its arguments: either x or y. If one of the arguments is NaN, the other is returned.
double Math.abs(double x)
Returns the absolute value of x.
double Math.sqrt(double x)
Returns the square root of x.
double Math.exp(double x)
Returns the base-e exponential function of x, which is e raised to the power x.
double Math.log(double x)
Returns the natural logarithm of x.
double Math.pow(double base, double exponent)
Returns base raised to the power exponent
double Math.sin(double x)
Returns the sine of an angle of x radians.
double Math.cos(double x)
Returns the cosine of an angle of x radians.
double Math.random()
Returns a pseudo-random number from 0.0 to 1.0


Functions for interacting with data collection and the device’s peripherals.

Required library: load('senquip.js');

  • SQ.INFO: 10

  • SQ.ALERT: 20

  • SQ.WARNING: 30

  • SQ.ALARM: 40

void SQ.set_data_handler(function, userdata)
Registers a callback function that allows creation of new data parameters collected by the device.
function: A callback function, invoked when a measurement cycle is completed. The completed JSON data structure is passed to the callback function.
userdata: Some user data that is passed to the callback function. Set null if unused.
void SQ.dispatch_double(int index, double value, int precision)
Add new value to the device’s data message. If called multiple times for the same index value, only the first call will be written to the outgoing data message.
index: The index of the data parameter, starting from 1.
value: The value of the data to be added.
precision: The number of decimal places to send in the data message. The value must be between 0 and 8 (inclusive). 0 means no decimal places.
void SQ.dispatch_string(int index, char *str, int length)
Add a new string to the device’s data message. If called multiple times for the same index value, only the first call will be written to the outgoing data message.
index: The index of the data parameter, starting from 1.
str: The string to be added.
length: The number of characters in the string. Maximum 50.
void SQ.dispatch_event(int index, int severity, char *str)
Add an event (alert, warning, alarm) to the device’s data message.
index: The index on the data parameter, starting from 1.
severity: The severity of the event. Should be one of SQ.INFO, SQ.ALERT, SQ.WARNING or SQ.ALARM
str: The event message. Maximum 30 characters.
double SQ.parse(char *str, int start, int length, int base)
Convert a string to a double using the base given.
str: The string to parse
start: The starting character index. (0 = the first character in the string).
length: The number of characters in the string to parse from the start position.
base: The numerical base used when parsing the string. (10 = Decimal, 16 = Hexadecimal). A special case applies when when base is (-16): the byte order will be reversed.
Returns the parsed number, or 0 on error.
void SQ.set_trigger_handler(function, userdata)
Registers a callback function that is called when a trigger button is activated from the Senquip Portal.
function: A callback function, invoked when a trigger button event occurs. The trigger parameter index number is passed into the callback function. For example: 5 is passed in for tp5.
userdata: Some user data that is passed to the callback function. Set null if unused.
void SQ.set_output(int channel, int state, int time_s)
Set the device’s output channel to the given state, for the given time.
channel: Output channel index. (1 for Output 1)
state: The new state of the output. (0 = OFF, 1 = ON)
time_s: The time to stay in the new state. Use 0 for a permanent state change. (5 = 5 seconds)
void SQ.serial_write(int channel, char *str, int length)
Write serial data out to the device’s RS232/RS485 port. All settings for the serial port are inherited from the device’s main configuration, and the Serial 1 Interval setting must be non-zero. This call can be used in both Capture and Modbus modes, however if the serial port is in use the string data will be queued until the port is available.
channel: Output channel index. (1 for Serial 1)
str: The string to write.
length: The number of characters in the string.
void SQ.dispatch(index, value, len)
Helper function to dispatch either a number or string. If the len parameter is omitted, a default is used. The function consists of the following mJS code:
function dispatch(index, value, len) {
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    if (typeof len === 'undefined') { len = value.length; }
    this.dispatch_string(index, value, len);
  else if (typeof value === 'number') {
    if (typeof len === 'undefined') { len = 1; }
    this.dispatch_double(index, value, len);